Monday, September 12, 2011

My weekend with my family!

Stefan was in Missouri this weekend visiting his family. His uncle Shane's cancer has come back and his doctor gave him 6 months to live. It's news nobody wanted to hear, but they are doing everything they can! So please keep the Bankus family in your thoughts and prayers!

(Trinity Photography)

While Stefan was in Missouri I spent the weekend with my family! Friday night I went to eat supper with Chris, Erin, and Tanner at Wendy's! I have to say I don't think I have ever had that much fun in Wendy's! Tanner got a minature size Guestures game in his happy meal and we started playing it. Tanner was so good at it, if only I would have gotten my camera out sooner. This is the only video I got of him playing, he was hilarious!

On our way home I just wanted 1 picture with Tan, but he loves taking pictures (and I have no idea where he gets it) so we took funny pictures! (:

Then we went to Family Video and rented Rio! It was such a cute movie!

I ended up staying the night there because Tanner had an early soccer game Saturday morning! He played SO good!

I think Soccer is his sport! He loved playing!

The Morton Pumpkin Festival is this week and Erin told me they were having a Photography Show where you can submit 3 of your pictures and possibly win money and when we looked it up to see when it was it was Saturday afternoon. So I hurried and picked 2 pictures that I took of Laurynn last month, sent them in to be printed, then we had to stop by Walmart to get frames.

These were the finished product hanging up at the show. Once we dropped them off we could go back and listen to the critique later on and see who won. They had different categories, Professional, Amatur, or Junior. I was under Amatur since I'm not a professional.

Mom and Dad came with me to see if I placed anything but I didn't, but it was still fun and I'm glad I did it. After the show we went to Monical's to eat!

Stefan got home late Sunday afternoon and I was so happy for him to be home! But once he got home he went straight to studying...

After studying for awhile we went to Sonic for supper with my parents and Lindsay!

I always get their chili cheese fries and a large Dr. Pepper! There's something about their Dr. Pepper I can't get enough of! My mom brought up that she thought the last time we were all at Sonic together was when Stefan asked my dad if he could marry me (: Who knew he asked my dad in a Sonic parking lot last summer!

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