Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

I can't believe it's already Christmas! I feel like we just had Christmas last year! This really is my favorite time of year! I dont want to say our family has been dreading the holiday this years because I dont think they have, but I know they have been dreading the part of spending the Holiday without my Grandpa! It's the first year, in i dont know how many years, that we all aren't together, but we are making the most of it! Last night for Christmas eve we all went to my Grandma's, had Dad's homemade pizza, did a white elephant gift exchange (which was hilarious), and went to Christmas Eve Service as a family! It was the best night I have had in a long time and it couldn't have gone better! (a whole post on that later) I truly feel blessed for the family I have! We are all so close and I couldn't ask for anything better and I can't wait to spend the rest of the day with my family and Stefan's family (: we are SO lucky to have both families in our lives!

A co-worker of mine had this as her facebook status a couple days ago and I loved it so much I wanted to share it...

"Please keep all the less fortunate in your heart and prayers this holiday season. Pray for the children who may not get the opportunity to experience the joy of gifts or the excitement of Santa Clause. Pray for all people who don't get to spend the holidays with their families... and for the families that will have to spend this holiday dealing with the loss of a loved one. Pray for families who suffer from abuse, neglect, cancer, or any other thing that makes everyday life a struggle or challenge. Most of all don't think about the things you don't have but be very blessed for the things and people you do have. Remember there is always someone else worse off who wakes up and smiles everyday and thanks the Lord for what he has provided. There's no reason why we can't do the same. God bless all of you this holiday season."

Merry Christmas Everyone! (:

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