Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Love Day! (:

i LOVE Valentine's Day! Not because of Stefan, or flowers, or gifts, because it's a cute and fun holiday! This year for us we didn't do much because honestly we are short money, but it was still fun! (:

I feel like the worst fiancee ever! I only got Stefan a card because I thought we agreed no presents this year because we are trying to save for our wedding, but he didn't follow through with the plan...

When it comes in this kind of bag, you know it's going to be good (:

i LOVE Amber romance from victoria's secret and i love the fact that he went to the mall, by myself, he walked into victoria's secret, by himself, and he picked out the lotion, by himself! (: He really does love me! and all I got him was this silly card..

For dinner we had Papa Murphy's Heart shaped pizza with Mom, Dad, Eric, and Lindsay! (:

Stefan and I aren't fancy dinners kind of people, so pizza was perfect for us! (:

and i had to share...Eric got firefighter of the year for the McLean fire department! How cool is that?

We hope everyone had a good Valentine's Day! (:

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