Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My new obsession! my new obsession! Not too long ago I started looking at pinterest because I saw someone on facebook was talking about it and at first I didn't understand it or know what it was, but after looking at it, I am officially obsessed!
I actually started looking because I was stressing out about our wedding! I know it's a year and a half away, but I want to start looking and get ideas so I don't stress and I pretty much know locations, but it's the decorations I am clueless about so I turned to pinterest and thank goodness I figured out how to use it because I found some awesome these adorable programs I am going to try and do!

I wanted to do something special in memory of my Grandpa and Stefan's uncle Shane, so I found these charms to put on my bouquet and Stefan will have one on his boutonniere!
Aren't those good ideas? I have also found picture ideas, instead of using a boring old picture frame...

I bet the photo strip is pretty pricey, but I might look into one of these with Stefan and I's wedding pictures! (:

If you haven't seen pinterest you are missing out! But it should have a warning label on it because once I got the hang of it and figured it all out, I spent 2 hours (not even kidding) looking at stuff and started my boards! I'm in love with it! It's such a stress reliever!

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