I am loooooving this fall weather! This time of year is probably my favorite time of year! I love everything about fall and I love the holidays! You would think since I am currently jobless I would be able to keep up with blogging, but No, I have become lazy so I really hope I hear about a job this week because I can't get out of my slump! Last weekend I went to St. Louis with our friends to celebrate Frank's 21st birthday! Stefan didn't go because he couldn't get off work, so I left him behind! :(
Our first stop was the Cub/Cardinal game and Frank had his first beer at Busch! (:
The game was so fun and of course the Cards won! (:
Afterwards we went to Hooters for dinner then walked down to the Landing for drinks! (:
We all decided that people in St. Louis are crazy and we were SO out of our comfort zone! We still had a lot of fun, but it was different!
Saturday I went to Decatur with my sisters to celebrate the Bride to be, Missy! (:
We went to Sliderz Bar & Grill to hear Brushville and have dinner and drinks! I volunteered to be the DD this time and I still had SO much fun with them! (: Brushville is so fun, so if you have never heard them you need to go to one of their shows!
We have seen Brushville a couple of times but I have never noticed this gorgeous man! (: He is their bass player and his named is Dustin and we met him! Lindsay & I are in love with him so we asked for a picture during their break! He was super nice and he has an amazing voice! (:
Sunday we got up super early and went to the Spoon River Drive with Sam, my parents, the Franks, Erin, Tan, & Alexanders! We had a lot of fun but we were a little disappointed!
We usually come home with our car full of stuff but this year we didn't see a whole lot, which was fine with us since we didn't have money to spend anyways! (:
The only purchases we made was on this amazing popcorn! It is so addicting and life changing! Ha, not really life changing, but it's the best popcorn I have ever had! (:
And we bought this set of Uno cards for only $1! We decided to play a few games of Uno last night!
We have had a few busy weekends and it's going to get even busier this month! Next weekend I have picture sessions scheduled for all day Saturday & Sunday, so previews of those will be coming soon! and the following weekend is Missy & Adam's wedding!! (:
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